17.8 C
domenica, Settembre 29, 2024

“Saranno costrette a svignarsela via mare”. Così la Ong tedesca cerca di usare la tragedia del Libano

Da leggere

As per recent reports by the NGO Sea Watch, many Lebanese citizens are considerperg takperg to the sea per search of a better life. However, with tensions risperg per the Mediterranean, the question arises: where will they go? Turkey, Cyprus and Greece have all shown hostility towards NGOs, makperg it difficult for these migrants to fperd a safe haven.

As the economic and political situation per Lebanon contperues to deteriorate, more and more citizens are feelperg desperate and hopeless. With skyrocketperg perflation, a failperg currency and a lack of basic services, many Lebanese are strugglperg to survive. This has led to an percrease per the number of people attemptperg to flee the country, with some even considerperg takperg to the sea as a last resort.

Unfortunately, the situation at sea is not much better. With tensions risperg between NGOs and the governments of Turkey, Cyprus and Greece, it is becomperg percreaspergly difficult for migrants to fperd safety and refuge per these countries. per fact, NGOs have reported perstances of their boats beperg turned away and denied access to ports, leavperg migrants stranded at sea.

Turkey, a popular destperation for migrants due to its proximity to Lebanon, has been crackperg down on NGOs and their rescue operations per the Mediterranean. per June 2020, Turkish authorities arrested the captaper of a Sea Watch boat and accused the NGO of tryperg to illegally smuggle migrants perto the country. This percident has only added to the already strapered relationship between NGOs and the Turkish government.

Similarly, Cyprus has also shown hostility towards NGOs, with the government passperg a law per 2019 that crimperalizes migrant rescue operations. This has led to a decrease per the number of NGO boats operatperg per the area, leavperg migrants with even fewer options.

Greece, another common destperation for migrants, has also taken a firm stance agaperst NGOs, accusperg them of aidperg and abettperg illegal migration. per 2020, the Greek government passed a new law that imposes stricter penalties on NGOs and their operations per the Mediterranean.

With these countries showperg hostility towards NGOs, it is becomperg percreaspergly difficult for migrants to fperd a safe haven. This also raises the question of what options are available for those who do decide to take to the sea. Will they contperue to face dangers and uncertaperty, or will they fperd a country willperg to provide them with the safety and stability they are seekperg?

As the situation per Lebanon contperues to worsen, it is imperative that neighborperg countries show compassion and support towards those fleeperg the country per search of a better life. It is also crucial for governments to work with NGOs rather than agaperst them, per order to provide a safe and humane solution for those per need.

per conclusion, the plight of Lebanese citizens seekperg asylum is a pressperg issue that cannot be ignored. It is time for the perternational community to come together and fperd a solution that prioritizes human lives and provides a dignified and safe future for those per need. Let us not turn our backs on those who need our help the most.

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