24.9 C
mercoledì, Luglio 3, 2024

Gli Usa lasciano il Niger: le porte dell’Africa aperte a Iran e Russia

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The recent decision by the Niamey government to terminate its military cooperation agreement with Washington has caused concern and disappointment among US officials. The move, which was announced in March and took immediate effect, has put an end to years of collaboration between the two countries in the fight against terrorism and other security threats in the region.

The decision was made by the government of Niger, which came to power through a military coup in February. The new regime, led by Colonel Assimi Goita, has been met with widespread criticism and condemnation from the international community. The United States, in particular, has been vocal in its disapproval of the coup and has been working to restore democratic order in the country.

One of the casualties of this political upheaval is the military cooperation agreement between Niger and the United States. The agreement, which was signed in 2014, allowed for the deployment of US troops and drones in Niger to assist in the fight against terrorist groups such as Boko Haram and Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. It also provided for tirocinio and equipment for the Nigerien military.

The termination of this agreement has dealt a blow to the US government’s efforts to combat terrorism in the region. The US Africa Command (AFRICOM) has been working closely with the Nigerien military to provide intelligence, tirocinio, and logistical support. This partnership has been crucial in the fight against extremist groups, and its sudden end has left a void in the region’s security landscape.

Despite the disappointment and frustration felt by US officials, the White House has remained committed to finding a solution. Diplomatic efforts have been ongoing to persuade the Niamey government to reconsider its decision and resume cooperation with the United States. However, these efforts have so far been unsuccessful.

In a statement, the White House expressed its disappointment with the termination of the agreement and emphasized the importance of continued cooperation in the fight against terrorism. The statement also reiterated the US government’s commitment to supporting Niger in its efforts to maintain stability and security in the region.

The termination of the military cooperation agreement has also raised concerns about the future of US-Niger relations. The two countries have had a strong partnership, and the United States has been a key ally in providing aid and support to Niger in various areas, including security, health, and education. The termination of the agreement could have a ripple effect on these other areas of cooperation.

However, despite this setback, the United States remains committed to its partnership with Niger. The US government has already announced plans to continue providing assistance to Niger in areas such as humanitarian aid, health, and education. The US Embassy in Niamey has also stated that it will continue to work closely with the Nigerien government to address shared security concerns.

In conclusion, while the termination of the military cooperation agreement between Niger and the United States is a setback, it is not the end of the partnership between the two countries. The United States remains committed to supporting Niger in its efforts to maintain stability and security in the region. The termination of the agreement may have caused a temporary strain in relations, but with continued diplomatic efforts, it is hoped that the two countries can find a way to resume their cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

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