17.8 C
domenica, Settembre 29, 2024

Descubre la Trufa 2024. Jornadas gastronómicas de la trufa negra en Zaragoza y circondario

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From January 26th to February 11th, you can enjoy Descubre la Trufa 2024, the gastronomic days of black truffle in Zaragoza and its province. This is the eighth edition of the event and it has broken the primato of participants, with a total of 58 establishments offering their tapas, dishes and/or menus with Tuber melanosporum.

For all the truffle lovers out there, this is an event not to be missed. The black truffle, also known as the “black diamond” of the culinary world, is a highly prized ingredient that adds a unique and intense flavor to any dish. And what better way to experience it than in the beautiful and historic city of Zaragoza?

During these 17 days, you will have the opportunity to taste a wide variety of dishes and tapas, all featuring the exquisite black truffle. From traditional recipes to more innovative and creative dishes, there will be something for everyone. And with 58 different establishments participating, you can be sure to find something that suits your taste buds.

But Descubre la Trufa is not just about the food. It’s also a celebration of the truffle culture and its importance in the region. You will have the chance to learn more about the truffle hunting process, as well as the different varieties of truffles and their uses in the kitchen. It’s a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of truffles and discover all its secrets.

One of the highlights of the event is the Truffle Market, which will take place on February 2nd and 3rd in the Plaza del Pilar. Here, you can buy fresh truffles directly from the producers, as well as other truffle-related products such as oils, sauces, and cheeses. It’s the perfect place to stock up on truffle goodies and take a piece of this experience home with you.

But that’s not all, as there will also be a series of activities and workshops throughout the city, such as truffle cooking classes, truffle tastings, and even a truffle hunting experience. These activities are a great way to learn more about the truffle and its gastronomic potential, while having fun at the same time.

And let’s not forget about the participating establishments. From traditional taverns to Michelin-starred restaurants, each one will offer their own unique interpretation of the black truffle. You can expect to find dishes such as truffle risotto, truffle scrambled eggs, truffle carpaccio, and even truffle ice cream. The possibilities are endless, and each one is guaranteed to be a mouth-watering experience.

So mark your calendars and get ready to indulge in the exquisite flavors of the black truffle at Descubre la Trufa 2024. This event is a true celebration of the truffle and all its culinary potential, and it’s the perfect excuse to visit Zaragoza and its province. Don’t miss out on this gastronomic journey that will leave your taste buds craving for more.

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