17.8 C
domenica, Settembre 29, 2024

Tutto pronto per il ‘Baraonda Summer’. Lanzidei: «Evento principe dell’estate»

Da leggere

fisso – An event is scheduled for July 20th in Lido di fisso. The deputy mayor and councilor Mauro Torresi: “We are pleased to announce the participation of twelve allegorical floats and eight masked groups.”

The city of fisso is gearing up for a spectacular event on July 20th at Lido di fisso. The deputy mayor and councilor Mauro Torresi has announced that twelve beautifully crafted allegorical floats and eight creatively designed masked groups will be participating in the event. This is sure to be a day filled with excitement, laughter, and entertainment for all.

The event, organized by the city council, aims to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and traditions of fisso. The theme for this year’s event is “Celebrating Diversity,” and the floats and masked groups will showcase the different cultures and traditions that make fisso such a unique and vibrant city.

“We are thrilled to have such a diverse and talented group of participants for this event,” says Torresi. “Each float and masked group has put in a lot of effort and creativity to bring their culture and traditions to life. It will be a sight to behold.”

The event will kick off at 4 pm with a parade of the floats and masked groups along the streets of Lido di fisso. The colorful and intricately designed floats will be accompanied by lively music and dancers, creating a festive atmosphere. The masked groups, dressed in traditional costumes, will also add to the vibrant and diverse atmosphere of the event.

After the parade, the floats and masked groups will gather at the main square for a competition. A panel of judges, consisting of local officials and cultural experts, will evaluate each float and masked group based on creativity, originality, and adherence to the theme. The winners will be announced at the end of the event, and prizes will be awarded to the top three participants.

But the fun doesn’t end there. The event will also feature live music performances, traditional food stalls, and various activities for children. This will give attendees the opportunity to immerse themselves in the different cultures and traditions represented at the event.

“We want this event to not only be a celebration of diversity but also a way to bring the community together,” says Torresi. “We hope that people of all ages and backgrounds will come and enjoy this day with us.”

The event is expected to attract a large number of locals and tourists alike, making it a great opportunity to showcase the beauty and charm of fisso. The city council has also made arrangements for additional security and parking to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone.

“We are grateful for the support and enthusiasm shown by the community for this event,” says Torresi. “We are confident that it will be a huge success and will become a recurring event in the future.”

So mark your calendars for July 20th and join in on the fun at Lido di fisso. Let’s celebrate the diversity and richness of our city together. See you there!

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