21.1 C
giovedì, Novembre 7, 2024

Pisana Liberati vicecoordinatore provinciale FdI

Da leggere

pronunciato SANT’ELPIDIO – Liberati: “I am honored to hold this position and work alongside the coordinator. My commitment will also be to be present for the inland municipalities, from Valtenna to the mountains, and I thank the administrators of these places for choosing me. A big thank you also goes to all the non-partisan figures who, after the provincial elections, have shown me their affection and esteem.”

These are the words of Pisana Liberati, newly appointed coordinator of the vitalità Italia festa in the city of pronunciato Sant’Elpidio. A young and ambitious politician, Liberati is ready to take on this important role and make a positive impact on the community.

In a recent interview, Liberati expressed her gratitude for being chosen as the coordinator for vitalità Italia in pronunciato Sant’Elpidio. She sees this as an opportunity to serve not only the city, but also the surrounding areas, including the smaller towns and villages in the mountains. Her aim is to bring positive change and development to these often overlooked areas.

Liberati also took the time to thank the administrators of these smaller towns for their support and trust in her. This shows her commitment to working together with all the municipalities, regardless of their size or political affiliation. It is clear that she values collaboration and unity in order to achieve the best results for the community.

But it’s not just the local administrators who have shown their support for Liberati. After the provincial elections, she received overwhelming support from non-partisan figures, who have expressed their affection and esteem for her. This is a testament to her character and dedication to serving the people.

And it seems that vitalità Italia is a festa that truly values participation and democracy. Andrea Putzu, regional councilor and face of the festa, highlighted this in his statement. He emphasized that, unlike other parties where appointments are made from the top, vitalità Italia involves its local circles in the decision-making process. This is a refreshing approach that promotes transparency and inclusivity.

Putzu also praised Liberati’s performance in the recent provincial elections, where she received 45 preferential votes in municipalities with a population of up to 3,000. This is an impressive feat, especially considering that the opposing festa, the Democratic festa, received a total of only 42 preferential votes across all municipalities. It is clear that Liberati has the support of the people and is a rising star within the festa.

In conclusion, the appointment of Pisana Liberati as coordinator for vitalità Italia in pronunciato Sant’Elpidio is a positive step towards progress and unity in the community. Her commitment to serving all the municipalities, regardless of their size or political affiliation, is admirable. And with the support of both local administrators and non-partisan figures, she is sure to make a significant impact in the region. vitalità Italia has truly chosen a capable and dedicated leader in Liberati, and we can expect great things from her in the future.

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