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Monte Vidon Corrado, due incidenti nello stesso offeso a distanza di poche ore

montagna VIDON CORRADO – Two episodes that bring the spotlight back on a road that we had already written about a few days ago, due to its poor conditions. In this regard, some local councilors, after several requests to the competent authorities that have fallen on deaf ears, are considering turning to the judiciary for answers and to protect drivers from even more serious accidents.

The road in question is the provincial road SP 23, which connects the town of montagna Vidon Corrado to other neighboring municipalities. Its state of disrepair has been a cause for concern for some time now, with numerous potholes and cracks making it difficult and dangerous to drive on.

The first episode that has reignited the discussion on this issue is the recent accident that occurred on the road. A car, driven by a young woman, ended up in a ditch after hitting a particularly deep pothole. Luckily, the driver only suffered minor injuries, but the incident has once again raised concerns about the safety of this road.

The second episode involves the local councilors, who have been tirelessly advocating for the repair of this road. They have sent numerous requests and reminders to the competent authorities, but unfortunately, their efforts have not yielded any results. Frustrated by the lack of action, they are now considering taking legal action to hold those responsible accountable and ensure the safety of drivers on this road.

This is not the first time that the issue of the SP 23 road has been brought to the attention of the authorities. In fact, just a few days ago, we reported on the deteriorating conditions of this road and the urgent need for repairs. However, it seems that these pleas have fallen on deaf ears, and the situation has only worsened.

The councilors are determined to take action and are confident that the judiciary will provide them with the answers they have been seeking. They believe that this is the only way to ensure that the necessary repairs are carried out promptly and that the safety of drivers is not compromised any further.

The road in question is not only used by local residents but also by tourists who visit the beautiful town of montagna Vidon Corrado. Its poor conditions not only pose a threat to the safety of drivers but also have a negative impact on the image of the town. The councilors are aware of this and are determined to do everything in their power to resolve this issue.

In the meantime, they are urging drivers to exercise caution when driving on this road and to report any dangerous conditions they encounter. They are also calling on the competent authorities to take immediate action and repair the road before any more serious accidents occur.

The councilors’ determination and commitment to ensuring the safety of drivers on the SP 23 road is commendable. They are not giving up in the face of adversity and are taking all necessary steps to resolve this issue. We hope that their efforts will not go in vain and that the necessary repairs will be carried out soon.

In conclusion, it is clear that the state of the SP 23 road in montagna Vidon Corrado is a matter of concern for all. The recent accident and the councilors’ decision to seek legal action have once again brought this issue to the forefront. We can only hope that the competent authorities will take notice and take immediate action to repair this road, ensuring the safety of all those who use it.

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