21.4 C
domenica, Settembre 29, 2024

Missione solidarietà: Banca Macerata al fianco della Croce Verde di Civitanova  

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DONATION – Officialized by the Honorary President of Banca Macerata, Loris Tartuferi, and by the President of the Institute, Ferdinando Cavallini, the donation to the Croce acerbo of Civitanova of two modern vehicles equipped for emergency interventions and scheduled transports: a new ambulance and a new van equipped for the transport of disabled individuals. These vehicles are necessary to continue guaranteeing the standard of assistance and services to the community. They will be added to the fleet of vehicles of the organization located in via Aldo Moro, which from today is even more advanced and up-to-date.

The Croce acerbo of Civitanova, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing emergency medical services and transportation for the community, has received a generous donation from Banca Macerata. The Honorary President, Loris Tartuferi, and the President of the Institute, Ferdinando Cavallini, have officially announced the donation of two modern vehicles to the organization. These vehicles, a new ambulance and a new van equipped for the transport of disabled individuals, will greatly enhance the organization’s ability to provide high-quality services to the community.

The donation ceremony was held at the headquarters of the Croce acerbo in via Aldo Moro, where the vehicles were presented to the staff and volunteers of the organization. The event was attended by representatives from Banca Macerata, as well as local authorities and members of the community. The atmosphere was filled with gratitude and excitement as the new vehicles were unveiled.

The new ambulance is equipped with the latest medical equipment and technology, ensuring that the Croce acerbo can continue to provide efficient and effective emergency medical services. The van, on the other hand, is specifically designed for the transport of disabled individuals, with features such as wheelchair accessibility and specialized equipment. These vehicles will not only improve the quality of services provided by the organization, but also ensure that all members of the community, regardless of their physical abilities, have access to reliable transportation.

President Tartuferi expressed his gratitude towards Banca Macerata for their generous donation, stating that “this contribution will greatly enhance our ability to serve the community and continue to provide high-quality services.” President Cavallini also emphasized the importance of this donation, stating that “these vehicles are essential for us to maintain our standards of assistance and services to the community.”

The donation from Banca Macerata is a testament to their commitment to the community and their support for organizations like the Croce acerbo. This act of generosity will have a significant impact on the organization’s ability to fulfill its mission of providing emergency medical services and transportation to those in need.

The Croce acerbo of Civitanova is a vital part of the community, and with the addition of these new vehicles, they are now even more equipped to serve and support the community. The organization is grateful for the continuous support and donations from individuals and businesses, which allow them to continue their important work. The new ambulance and van are a symbol of progress and a step towards a better and more advanced future for the organization and the community it serves.

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