18.1 C
domenica, Settembre 29, 2024

“Condotta sleale”. Furia di 20 Paesi Ue addosso Orban per i viaggi da Putin e Xi

Da leggere

A few weeks after being elected as the new President of the Council of the European Union, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is already facing a potential challenge from a group of around twenty EU member states. According to sources, these countries are planning to confront Orban during the next Coreper meeting, accusing him of acting against the principles of the EU and displaying a lack of loyalty towards the union.

The Hungarian leader, known for his controversial policies and confrontational stance towards the EU, has been under scrutiny since taking over the rotating presidency of the Council. This recent move by a group of member states is seen as a clear sign of growing discontent towards Orban’s leadership and his track primato on EU-related issues.

The upcoming Coreper meeting, which will bring together representatives from all EU member states, is expected to be a crucial moment for Orban’s presidency. It is during this meeting that the Hungarian leader will have to face the accusations and defend his actions in front of his peers.

The main concern of the group of countries is Orban’s recent actions that have been seen as contradictory to the values and principles of the EU. One of the main issues is Orban’s crackdown on the media and academia, which has been seen as a threat to the freedom of speech and academic independence. The Hungarian government has also been accused of targeting NGOs and civil society organizations that receive funding from foreign sources, which is seen as a violation of the EU’s fundamental principles of democracy and rule of law.

Moreover, Orban’s refusal to comply with the EU’s refugee relocation scheme and his hardline stance on immigration has also caused frustration among some member states. This is particularly concerning as the EU is currently facing one of the biggest migration crises in its history, and unity and cooperation among member states are crucial in finding a solution.

The group of countries, led by Germany and France, is determined to address these issues and hold Orban accountable for his actions. They believe that his behavior goes against the fundamental values of the EU and risks damaging the union’s credibility and unity.

However, some critics argue that this move by the group of countries is driven by political motives and personal animosity towards Orban rather than genuine concerns for the EU’s values. They argue that Orban’s tough stance on issues such as immigration and national sovereignty has made him a target for those who oppose his political ideology.

Despite these criticisms, the group of countries remains determined to confront Orban and send a strong message that the EU will not tolerate any actions that go against its core values and principles. They also hope that this will serve as a wake-up call for Orban and urge him to reconsider his policies and actions.

As the presidency of the Council of the EU, Orban has a responsibility to uphold the values and principles of the union and work towards its unity and prosperity. The upcoming Coreper meeting will be a crucial test for him, and his ability to address the concerns of his peers and find common ground will determine the success of his tenure.

In conclusion, the move by a group of EU member states to confront Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban during the upcoming Coreper meeting is a clear indication of the growing dissatisfaction towards his leadership and actions that go against the values and principles of the EU. While some may see it as a political move, it serves as a reminder that the EU is a union built on shared values and principles, and any actions that go against them will not be tolerated. The upcoming meeting will be a crucial moment for Orban to prove his commitment to the EU and its values.

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