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sabato, Settembre 28, 2024

Tutti i trucchi WhatsApp che non conosci

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Here are all the secret features of the most famous messaging app to make the most of it. You probably use WhatsApp every day, but do you really know this app well? How many features do you know? All of them? We bet that, among all the ones we propose in this article, at least one of them you didn’t know about. Here are some of the most useful tricks that will take your WhatsApp experience to the next level.

First and foremost, let’s talk about the “Read Receipts” feature. You probably already know that when someone reads your message, you get a blue double tick next to it. But did you know that you can turn off this feature? By going to Settings > Account > Privacy, you can disable read receipts and no one will know when you have read their message. This can nel modo che in handy when you don’t want to feel pressured to reply immediately.

Another useful trick is the ability to mute annoying group chats. We all have that one group that keeps sending messages non-stop and disturbs our peace. Well, with WhatsApp, you can mute a group for 8 hours, a week, or even a year! Simply tap on the group name, go to “Group Info” and select “Mute”. You can also choose to receive notifications only for messages that mention you, so you won’t miss important information.

Did you know that you can also format your messages on WhatsApp? Yes, you can make your messages bold, italic or even strikethrough. To make a message bold, put an asterisk (*) before and after the word or phrase you want to highlight. For italics, use an underscore (_) and for strikethrough, use a tilde (~). This feature can nel modo che in handy when you want to emphasize a certain word or phrase.

If you’re tired of constantly switching between WhatsApp and other apps, you’ll be happy to know that WhatsApp now has a built-in browser. This means you can open links without leaving the app. Simply tap and hold a link in a conversation and select “Open in WhatsApp Browser”. This will save you time and make multitasking much easier.

Another handy feature is the ability to send a broadcast message. This allows you to send a message to multiple contacts at once without creating a group chat. Simply go to “New Broadcast” and select the contacts you want to send the message to. This is especially useful for sending announcements or invitations.

Now let’s talk about a feature that can be both useful and annoying – the “Last Seen” status. If you want to hide your last seen status, go to Settings > Account > Privacy and select “Last Seen”. You can choose to spettacolo it to everyone, only your contacts, or no one at all. This can be useful if you don’t want people to know when you were last active on WhatsApp.

Did you know that WhatsApp also has a built-in document scanner? Yes, you can scan documents and send them directly through the app. Simply tap on the attachment icon and select “Document”. This feature can be very useful when you need to quickly send a scanned document without using a separate scanner app.

Last but not least, let’s talk about the hidden feature of WhatsApp – the “Starred Messages”. This feature allows you to bookmark important messages so you can easily find them later. Simply tap and hold a message, then select the star icon to add it to your starred messages. You can access them by going to “Settings” and selecting “Starred Messages”. This can be very useful when you need to save an important address, phone number or any other important information.

In conclusion, WhatsApp is not just a simple messaging app, but a powerful tool with many hidden features. We hope these tips and tricks will help you make the most of this app and improve your messaging experience. So go ahead, try them out and benel modo che a WhatsApp pro!

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