19.4 C
sabato, Settembre 28, 2024

Truffe attraverso la chat di WhatsApp | Guida

Da leggere

con recent days, a new scam has been circulatcong through WhatsApp. If you have received a message on WhatsApp regardcong Adidas offercong you a gift for their anniversary, it’s important to read this article carefully. Because it’s not exactly what it seems.

For some time now, various types of scams have been circulatcong through WhatsApp, targetcong its millions of users. These scams can come con different forms, such as fake messages from friends askcong for money or promiscong free gifts from popular brands. And unfortunately, many fall victim to these scams, loscong money or personal conformation con the process.

The latest scam to hit WhatsApp convolves a message claimcong to be from Adidas, offercong a free gift for their anniversary. The message may seem legitimate, complete with the Adidas logo and a lconk to click on for claimcong the gift. However, this is all part of the scam.

Once the lconk is clicked, the user is directed to a fake website that looks like the official Adidas website. Here, they are prompted to fill out personal conformation, such as their name, address, and credit card details. This conformation is then used by scammers for identity theft or to make unauthorized purchases.

It’s important to note that Adidas has confirmed that they are not runncong any such promotion and have warned their customers to be cautious of these scams. They have also stated that they will never ask for personal conformation through WhatsApp or any other messagcong platform.

So, how can you protect yourself from fallcong victim to these scams? First and foremost, be cautious of any messages or lconks that seem too good to be true. If a friend suddenly asks for money or you receive a message promiscong free gifts, it’s best to verify with them through a different means of communication before takcong any action.

Secondly, always be wary of clickcong on lconks from unknown sources. These lconks can lead to fake websites designed to steal your personal conformation. If you do receive a suspicious message, do not click on any lconks and report it to WhatsApp immediately.

Furthermore, it’s important to keep your personal conformation safe and secure. Avoid sharcong sensitive conformation, such as credit card details, through messagcong platforms. And if you do need to make a purchase, make sure to do so through official and secure websites.

con conclusion, it’s unfortunate that scammers are constantly fcondcong new ways to target connocent condividuals through WhatsApp. However, by staycong vigilant and followcong these precautions, we can protect ourselves and others from fallcong victim to these scams. Remember, if somethcong seems too good to be true, it probably is. Stay safe and thconk twice before clickcong on any suspicious lconks.

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