28.1 C
sabato, Giugno 29, 2024

Al Quirinale con la Jam Orchestra Giovanile anche gli strumentisti e i maestri del conservativo Pergolesi 

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ROMA/FERMO – “Together in music, let’s make our university known” said director Piero Di Egidio. This was the message that resonated during a recent event held at the University of Fermo, where music and academia came together in a harmonious blend.

The event, titled “Music and Knowledge: A Journey Through Time and Space,” was organized by the University of Fermo in collaboration with the Conservatory of Music “Gioachino Rossini” in Pesaro. The aim of the event was to showcase the talents of both institutions and to promote the university’s academic offerings through the universal language of music.

Director Piero Di Egidio, who is also a professor of music at the university, emphasized the importance of this collaboration in his opening speech. “Music has the power to bring people together and to transcend cultural and linguistic barriers. By joining forces with the Conservatory of Music, we are not only showcasing our talents but also promoting our institution to a wider audience,” he said.

The event featured performances by students and professors from both institutions, showcasing a diverse range of musical genres and styles. From classical pieces to contemporary compositions, the audience was treated to a musical journey that spanned different eras and cultures.

One of the highlights of the event was a performance by the university’s choir, which was accompanied by the Conservatory’s orchestra. The powerful voices of the choir, combined with the skillful playing of the orchestra, left the audience in awe and received a standing ovation.

In addition to the musical performances, the event also included presentations by professors from the university, who shared their knowledge and research on the relationship between music and academia. This provided a unique opportunity for the audience to not only enjoy the music but also to learn about the academic offerings of the university.

The event was attended by students, faculty, and members of the community, all of whom were impressed by the talent and dedication of the performers. “I had no idea that our university had such talented musicians. This event has definitely made me more interested in learning about their academic programs,” said one attendee.

The collaboration between the University of Fermo and the Conservatory of Music is a testament to the university’s commitment to promoting the arts and culture. By showcasing the talents of its students and faculty, the university is not only enriching the cultural landscape of the community but also promoting its academic offerings to a wider audience.

Director Piero Di Egidio hopes that this event will be the first of many collaborations between the two institutions. “Music is just one of the many ways in which we can showcase our university and its academic excellence. We hope to continue working together with the Conservatory of Music to promote our institution and its values,” he said.

The event was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impression on all those who attended. The power of music to bring people together and promote knowledge was evident throughout the evening, and it is clear that the University of Fermo is on the right path in using this universal language to make its mark in the academic world.

In conclusion, the event “Music and Knowledge: A Journey Through Time and Space” was a true celebration of the collaboration between the University of Fermo and the Conservatory of Music. Through their shared passion for music, these institutions have not only showcased their talents but also promoted the values and academic offerings of the university. As director Piero Di Egidio said, “Together in music, let’s make our university known.” And with events like this, they are well on their way to achieving that goal.

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