19.4 C
sabato, Settembre 28, 2024

Thailandia, due modelle trans selezionate per il servizio militare: ecco perché

Da leggere

Kantong Passarapon and Parida Kerayuphan are two young Thai students who have found themselves at the center of a controversial issue in their country. They are among thousands of young men and women who are being forced to participate in the annual military recruitment lottery in Thailand. This year, the stakes are higher than ever before, as those who refuse to participate could face up to three years in prison.

The recruitment lottery, also known as the conscription lottery, is a system used by the Thai government to randomly select individuals for mandatory military service. Every year, all Thai males aged 21 must participate in the lottery, while females are exempt. The selected individuals are required to undergo basic military training for a period of two years.

For Kantong and Parida, this year’s recruitment lottery has turned their lives upside down. Kantong, a 22-year-old university student, had been planning to graduate and start his career. Parida, also 22, had been looking forward to pursuing her dream of becoming a teacher. However, their plans have been put on hold as they were both selected to participate in the military.

It is not uncommon for young Thais to try to find ways to avoid the recruitment lottery, including faking illnesses or disabilities. However, this year, the consequences for refusing to participate have become much more serious. The Thai government recently passed a new law that states anyone who refuses to participate in the lottery could face up to three years in prison.

This new law has sparked outrage among many Thais, who see it as a violation of their rights and a form of forced labor. Kantong and Parida, along with other young Thais, have taken to social media to express their frustrations and call for a change in the law.

Despite the daunting situation they find themselves in, Kantong and Parida have remained positive and determined to fight for their rights. They have joined forces with other young Thais who have also been affected by the recruitment lottery and have formed a group called “Youth for Democracy”. This group aims to raise awareness about the issue and urge the government to reconsider the harsh consequences for those who refuse to participate in the lottery.

The group has organized peaceful protests and demonstrations, urging the government to listen to their voices and make changes to the recruitment system. They argue that the military should not be a mandatory requirement for all young men, as it takes away their freedom and opportunities for their future.

Kantong and Parida have also received support from prominent figures in Thailand, including human rights activists and politicians, who have called for the government to review the new law.

In the midst of all this controversy, Kantong and Parida have shown great courage and determination in standing up for their rights. They have become the faces of a movement that is fighting for the rights of young Thais and challenging the government’s decision to make military service mandatory through the recruitment lottery.

As the debate over the recruitment lottery continues, Kantong and Parida’s story serves as a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices that young Thais have to face in their country. Their courage and determination to bring about change will hopefully lead to a fairer and more just system for future generations.

In conclusion, Kantong Passarapon and Parida Kerayuphan are not victims of the recruitment lottery, but rather brave individuals who are standing up for their rights. Their story is a testament to the power of unity and fighting for a cause that is just. Let us all stand with them and support their fight for a more democratic and fair Thailand.

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