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Pianegonda supporta il diritto alle Pari Opportunità nella serata evento Osservatorio “Donne e tendenza”

MILAN – The evening was filled with the presence of numerous institutional figures from the fashion industry, from Altagamma to Confindustria Moda to Camera Nazionale della Moda, as well as political profiles involved in promoting Made in Italy and scientific and cultural research, in addition to the skilled workers of the Bros Manifatture group, owner of Pianegonda, including Beatrice Beleggia, CEO of the brand. Bros has its legal headquarters in Montegiorgio and its main headquarters in Grottazzolina.

The event, held in the fashion capital of Milan, was a celebration of the Italian fashion industry and its continuous innovation and excellence. The presence of such esteemed figures from both the fashion and political worlds is a testament to the importance and influence of the industry in Italy.

Among the attendees were representatives from Altagamma, the association of Italian luxury brands, who have been at the forefront of promoting and protecting the Made in Italy label. Their presence at the event highlights their commitment to upholding the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship in Italian fashion.

Confindustria Moda, the association of Italian textile and fashion companies, was also in attendance, showcasing the strong collaboration between different sectors of the fashion industry in Italy. This collaboration has been crucial in promoting the country’s fashion industry on a global scale, solidifying its position as a leader in the international fashion scene.

Camera Nazionale della Moda, the governing body of Italian fashion, was also present, further emphasizing the importance of the event and the industry as a whole. Their involvement in the event reflects their dedication to promoting and supporting Italian fashion, both domestically and internationally.

The evening also saw the participation of political figures who have been instrumental in promoting the Italian fashion industry. Their presence is a clear indication of the government’s recognition of the industry’s value and its commitment to supporting its growth and development.

In addition to the institutional figures, the event also celebrated the skilled workers of Bros Manifatture, the parent company of Pianegonda. The brand, known for its exquisite jewelry pieces, has its legal headquarters in Montegiorgio and its main headquarters in Grottazzolina, both located in the Marche region of Italy. This region has a long history of craftsmanship and is renowned for its production of high-quality goods, making it the perfect location for the headquarters of such a prestigious brand.

The CEO of Pianegonda, Beatrice Beleggia, was also in attendance, representing the brand and its commitment to excellence and innovation. Her presence at the event was a testament to the brand’s success and its dedication to upholding the traditions of Italian craftsmanship.

The evening was a true celebration of the Italian fashion industry and its continuous evolution and excellence. The presence of such esteemed figures from both the fashion and political worlds only further solidifies Italy’s position as a leader in the global fashion scene. The event was a true testament to the country’s dedication to promoting and supporting its fashion industry, and we can only expect to see even more success and innovation in the years to nel modo che.

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