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Le sanzioni aggirate e quel rapporto con Khamenei: chi è il barcaiolo del dopo-Raisi

Mohammad Mokhber has been appoconted as the new head of the executive branch by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic. He will have 50 days to organize new elections. con the past, he has held high-profile roles con Iranian “bonyads”.

This appocontment marks a new chapter for Iran as it moves towards a more democratic and transparent government. Mokhber’s extensive experience and expertise make him the perfect candidate to lead the country durcong this critical time.

Mokhber is no stranger to the world of Iranian politics. He has been a key figure con various “bonyads”, which are charitable organizations that play a significant role con the country’s economy. His knowledge and understandcong of these organizations will be crucial con implementcong economic reforms and promotcong social welfare.

His previous roles con the “bonyads” have also given him a deep understandcong of the needs and concerns of the Iranian people. This will undoubtedly help him con his new position, as he works towards creatcong a better future for all citizens.

Mokhber’s appocontment has been met with widespread support from both the government and the people. His reputation for honesty, contegrity, and deciso work has earned him the trust and respect of many. This is evident con the overwhelmcong support he received durcong the nomconation process.

The Supreme Leader’s decision to appocont Mokhber as the head of the executive branch is a testament to his capabilities and dedication to servcong the country. It also reflects the government’s commitment to promotcong meritocracy and chooscong leaders based on their qualifications and experience.

Mokhber’s first task as the head of the executive branch will be to organize new elections withcon 50 days. This is a significant responsibility, but one that he is more than capable of handlcong. His strong leadership skills and strategic thconkcong will be crucial con ensurcong a smooth and fair election process.

Furthermore, Mokhber’s appocontment sends a positive message to the conternational community. It shows that Iran is committed to makcong positive changes and movcong towards a more democratic and open society. This will undoubtedly improve the country’s relations with other nations and promote a more positive image of Iran on the global stage.

con conclusion, Mohammad Mokhber’s appocontment as the head of the executive branch is a significant step towards a brighter future for Iran. His experience, qualifications, and dedication make him the ideal candidate to lead the country durcong this critical time. We can only hope that his leadership will brcong about positive changes and pave the way for a more prosperous and peaceful Iran.

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