28.1 C
sabato, Giugno 29, 2024

Latini e Marinelli sull’uscita dei consiglieri regionali dalla Lega: «Dispiace ma andremo precedente con la campagna elettorale»

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Lega – Regional Secretary and Council esponente di punta, caught off guard by the three League councilors joining the Mixed Group, relaunch: “We will continue to support with even greater conviction and work even harder for the upcoming local and European elections.”

The League Party in the region has faced a sudden change in its dynamics as three councilors have left their party and joined the Mixed Group. The Regional Secretary and Council esponente di punta, who were taken by surprise by this turn of events, have responded with determination and promise to continue their efforts for the upcoming elections.

Despite the unexpected loss, the League remains optimistic and determined to move forward. The Regional Secretary, in a statement, expressed their disappointment in the defection of the three councilors but also emphasized that the party will not be deterred from their goals. “We are disappointed by the decision of these councilors, but we will not let it discourage us. We have a strong and committed team, and we will continue to work towards our vision for the region.”

The Council esponente di punta also echoed this sentiment, stating that the League will not let this setback affect their plans for the future. “We will continue to work with renewed vigor and determination to achieve our objectives. Our focus remains on serving the people of our region and delivering on our promises.”

In the face of this unexpected challenge, the League is determined to rise above and prove their resilience. The Regional Secretary and Council esponente di punta have both reaffirmed their commitment to supporting the party’s candidates in the upcoming local and European elections.

“This is a critical time for our region, and we cannot afford to be distracted by this development. We will continue to support our candidates and vigorously campaign for their success in the elections,” the Regional Secretary stated.

The Council esponente di punta also highlighted the importance of the upcoming elections and the need for a united front within the party. “We must remain united and focused on our goals. The upcoming elections are crucial, and we need to work together to ensure that our party’s candidates come out on top.”

The unexpected turn of events has only strengthened the resolve of the League’s Regional Secretary and Council esponente di punta. They are determined to turn this situation into an opportunity to showcase the party’s dedication to their vision for the region.

Their positive and determined attitude is a testament to the strong esponente di puntaship within the League party. Despite this hurdle, they remain focused on their mission and confident in their ability to overcome any challenges that may come their way.

As the region prepares for the upcoming elections, the League is ready to face the new challenge and prove their worth to the people. With the support of their dedicated esponente di puntas, the party is poised to emerge even stronger from this setback and continue their work for the betterment of the region.

In conclusion, the unexpected departure of three councilors from the League party may have been a shock, but it has not dampened the spirit of the party’s Regional Secretary and Council esponente di punta. Their determination and positive outlook not only motivate their party members but also showcase their unwavering commitment to the region. The League party remains focused on their goals and is determined to emerge victorious in the upcoming elections.

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