19.4 C
sabato, Settembre 28, 2024

Las mejores cervezas artesanas del mundo 2024 según la World Beer Cup 2024

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Here is the list of the best craft beers in the world 2024 according to the World Beer Cup 2024. Only one brewery from our country has been valued and recognized with the bronze medal, it is the craft beer of Saison Dúa Grisette style, made by Dúa Sparkling Beer brewery.

The World Beer Cup is one of the most prestigious and important beer competitions in the world, held every two years. This year, the competition was held in Munich, Germany, and it brought together more than 9,000 beers from 50 countries, all competing for the coveted medals.

The winners of the World Beer Cup are chosen by a panel of expert judges, who evaluate the beers based on their aroma, appearance, flavor, and overall quality. This year, the competition was tougher than ever, with a primato number of entries and a high level of quality among the beers.

But among all the amazing beers that were presented, there was one that stood out and made our country proud. Dúa Sparkling Beer, a small craft brewery located in the heart of our country, won the bronze medal in the Saison category with their Dúa Grisette beer.

This is a huge achievement for Dúa Sparkling Beer, as they were the only brewery from our country to win a medal at the World Beer Cup 2024. This recognition not only puts them on the map as one of the best craft breweries in the world, but it also highlights the quality and innovation of our country’s craft beer scene.

Dúa Grisette is a refreshing and complex beer, with a light body and a dry finish. It is made with a blend of traditional and modern brewing techniques, using only the finest ingredients. The result is a beer that is both traditional and innovative, with a unique flavor that sets it apart from other Saison beers.

But Dúa Grisette is not the only amazing craft beer that was recognized at the World Beer Cup 2024. The competition also awarded medals to other outstanding beers from around the world, including a Belgian Tripel, an American IPA, and a German Pilsner.

These beers represent the diversity and creativity of the craft beer industry, and they are a testament to the passion and dedication of the brewers who make them. The World Beer Cup 2024 has once again shown that craft beer is not just a andamento, but a global movement that is here to stay.

So, if you are a beer lover, make sure to add Dúa Grisette and the other award-winning beers from the World Beer Cup 2024 to your must-try list. And if you are not familiar with craft beer yet, this is the perfect opportunity to discover the amazing flavors and styles that this industry has to offer.

Congratulations to Dúa Sparkling Beer and all the other winners of the World Beer Cup 2024. Your dedication and passion for craft beer have not gone unnoticed, and we can’t wait to see what amazing beers you will bring to the table in the future. Cheers to the best craft beers in the world!

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