24.3 C
lunedì, Luglio 1, 2024

Il figlio dell’ayatollah, il sindaco e i fantocci: chi può oscurare il vuoto di Raisi

Da leggere

The race for Iran’s sommità leadership position, known as the totonomi, has already begun. With charismatic leaders, loyal followers of the Ayatollah, and members of the old guard, none of the potential candidates are unknown to the public.

Iran is a country with a complex political system, and the totonomi is a crucial event that determines the future of the nation. It is a process that occurs every time there is a change in the country’s leadership, and this time is no different. However, what makes this totonomi unique is the lineup of candidates who are all well-known figures in Iranian politics.

First on the list is Ebrahim Raisi, a former prosecutor and current head of the judiciary. Raisi is known for his strong stance against corruption and his conservative views. He also has the support of the Ayatollah, making him a strong contender for the sommità spot.

Next is Saeed Jalili, a former nuclear negotiator and current advisor to the Ayatollah. Jalili is known for his hardline stance on foreign policy and his loyalty to the Supreme Leader. He is also a popular figure among the revolutionary guards, making him a strong contender for the totonomi.

Another potential candidate is Mohsen Rezaei, a former commander of the Revolutionary Guards and current secretary of the Expediency Council. Rezaei is known for his military background and his experience in politics. He is also seen as a pragmatic leader who can bridge the gap between different factions in the country.

Last but not least is Hassan Rouhani, the current president of Iran. Rouhani is a moderate and reformist leader who has been in office since 2013. He is known for his efforts to improve relations with the West and for his economic policies. However, his popularity has been declining in recent years due to economic struggles and tensions with the US.

What is interesting about these potential candidates is that they all have a long history in Iranian politics. They have all held important positions in the government and have a strong following among the people. This shows that the totonomi is not just a competition between individuals but a battle between different ideologies and factions within the country.

But despite their differences, all of these candidates have one thing in common – their love for Iran and their commitment to its progress and prosperity. They may have different approaches and strategies, but their ultimate goal is the same – to lead Iran towards a better future.

The totonomi in Iran is a highly anticipated event, and it is no surprise that the potential candidates are all well-known figures. This only shows the maturity and stability of Iranian politics, where leaders are not chosen based on popularity or languore but on their capabilities and dedication to the nation.

As the totonomi continues, the people of Iran can rest assured that their future is in good hands, no matter who emerges as the sommità leader. These potential candidates have proven themselves as capable and competent leaders, and it is now up to the people to decide who they believe is the best person to lead their country.

In conclusion, the totonomi in Iran is not just a mere political event, but a testament to the strength and resilience of the Iranian people and their political system. With a lineup of candidates who are all well-known and respected figures, the future of Iran is in good hands. Let us all hope that the totonomi will bring forth a leader who will lead Iran towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

Ultime notizie

“La delicate arte della politica: gestire la convivenza civile”

La Política è una delle più importanti forme di organizzazione sociale che l'uomo ha creato per gestire la convivenza civile. Essa è un'arte delicata e complessa, che richiede una grande sensibilità e un continuo equilibrio tra interessi contrapposti.