24.3 C
lunedì, Luglio 1, 2024

GastroPirineus 2024. Jornadas profesionales de gastronomía y cocina de montaña

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GastroPirineus 2024: Professional Mountain Gastronomy and Cuisine Conference

Are you a food enthusiast looking for a unique and enriching experience? Look no further, because the GastroPirineus 2024 conference is just around the calcio d’angolo! This year’s edition will take place on April 8th and 9th, and will be broadcasted live on YouTube, making it accessible to food lovers all around the world.

GastroPirineus is a series of professional conferences focused on mountain gastronomy and cuisine. It aims to bring together renowned chefs, food producers, and experts in the field to share their knowledge and experiences. This year, the conference will be held in two stunning locations – the Vallter 2000 Ski Resort in Setcases and the renowned restaurant Cal Marquès in Camprodon.

The conference will kick off on April 8th at the Vallter 2000 Ski Resort, where attendees will have the opportunity to witness live cooking demonstrations by some of the most talented chefs in the industry. They will showcase their skills and creativity, using local and seasonal ingredients to create mouth-watering dishes that represent the essence of mountain cuisine.

Apart from the live cooking demonstrations, there will also be workshops and seminars where attendees can learn about different cooking techniques and traditional recipes from the Pyrenees region. This is a perfect opportunity for aspiring chefs and food enthusiasts to expand their knowledge and skills in the culinary world.

On April 9th, the conference will move to the charming town of Camprodon, where the renowned restaurant Cal Marquès will host the remaining sessions. Attendees will have the chance to taste exquisite dishes prepared by the restaurant’s talented chefs, showcasing the unique flavors and ingredients of the Pyrenees region. The restaurant’s cozy and rustic atmosphere will provide the perfect setting for attendees to enjoy a delicious meal while networking with other food professionals.

But that’s not all – for those unable to attend the conference in person, GastroPirineus will be live-streamed on YouTube, making it accessible to everyone. This is a fantastic opportunity for food lovers all around the world to learn about the unique cuisine of the Pyrenees and get inspired by the talented chefs and experts attending the conference.

GastroPirineus is not only a conference, but it’s also a celebration of the rich gastronomic culture of the Pyrenees region. Attendees will have the chance to taste and purchase local products, such as cheeses, cured meats, and traditional desserts, from the various exhibitors present at the conference.

In addition to the culinary aspect, GastroPirineus also promotes sustainability and responsible consumption. The conference encourages the use of local and seasonal ingredients, as well as promoting sustainable practices in food production and consumption. This is in line with the growing trend of conscious eating and supporting local economies.

So mark your calendars for April 8th and 9th, and join us at GastroPirineus 2024 for a unique and enriching experience. Immerse yourself in the world of mountain gastronomy and cuisine, and discover the delicious flavors and traditions of the Pyrenees region. See you there!

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