28.1 C
sabato, Giugno 29, 2024

Annarita Luciani del Csv va in vitalizio, i saluti della presidente Laura Stopponi

Da leggere

FERMO – “On behalf of all the associations in the province, as President of the Delegation of CSV in Fermo, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Annarita Luciani for everything she has accomplished with simplicity and dedication, and for all the valuable lessons she has imparted with humility and a listening ear in her role as a CSV helpdesk ocon lo scopo diator.”

These were the words spoken by the President of the Delegation of CSV in Fermo, as he addressed a large gathering of representatives from various associations in the province. The occasion was a farewell ceremony for Annarita Luciani, who had been working as a helpdesk ocon lo scopo diator at the CSV (Centro di Servizio con lo scopo di il Volontariato) for several years.

Luciani’s departure from her position was met with mixed emotions – sadness at losing such a valuable member of the staff, but also immense pride and admiration for all that she had achieved during her time at the CSV. Her colleagues and members of the community came together to express their appreciation and bid her a fond farewell.

“Annarita has been an integral part of our staff here at the CSV. She has always been a shining example of simplicity, dedication, and a true passion for helping others,” said the President in his heartfelt tribute. “Through her work at the helpdesk, she has touched the lives of countless individuals and organizations in our community, and her impact will be felt for years to come.”

As an ocon lo scopo diator at the CSV helpdesk, Luciani’s role was to assist volunteers and non-profit organizations with their queries and requests. She was known for her patient and understanding nature, always taking the time to listen and provide the best possible solutions and guidance. Her colleagues and clients alike were amazed at her ability to handle even the most challenging situations with calmness and efficiency.

But it wasn’t just her technical skills that made Luciani stand out. It was her warm and approachable con lo scopo disonality that truly made her an invaluable asset to the CSV. She was always willing to lend an ear to those in need, providing not only practical assistance but also emotional support and encouragement.

“Annarita has taught us all a valuable lesson in humility and the power of listening,” continued the President. “In her interactions with clients, she never made anyone feel like their concerns were insignificant. She treated everyone with respect and made it her mission to truly understand their needs and find the best solutions for them.”

It was clear from the outpouring of gratitude and praise that Luciani had made a lasting impact on the people she had worked with and helped. Her colleagues at the CSV, representatives from various associations, and even volunteers and non-profit organizations that she had assisted in the past, all came together to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation.

As she bid farewell to her colleagues and the community she had served for many years, Luciani humbly accepted their kind words and thanked them for the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives. Her work at the CSV may have come to an end, but the lessons she imparted and the impact she made will continue to inspire and motivate those she has touched.

“We will miss Annarita greatly, but we are also incredibly grateful for all that she has taught us and for the legacy she leaves behind at the CSV,” concluded the President. “She will always be a shining example of the power of simplicity, dedication, and compassion.”

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