19.4 C
sabato, Settembre 28, 2024

Acceso al Foro Gastronómico Internacional Alimentarte 2024, suscripción online gratuita

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The 28th and 29th of May will mark a new edition of the Alimentarte International Gastronomic Forum in Colombia. This highly anticipated event brings together food lovers, chefs, and experts from all around the world to celebrate and discuss the latest trends and innovations in the culinary world. And the best part is that this year, everyone can attend this enriching gastronomic gathering, as it will be held online and the online subscription is completely free. You can check out the program of presentations, roundtables, and other activities that will take place during the forum.

The Alimentarte International Gastronomic Forum was born in 2007 with the aim of promoting Colombian cuisine and showcasing the country’s vast and diverse gastronomic offerings. Since then, it has become an essential event for anyone interested in food, from industry professionals to foodies. Every year, the forum brings together renowned chefs, food researchers, producers, and representatives from different sectors of the food industry to share their knowledge, experiences, and visions for the future of gastronomy.

This year’s edition promises to be even more exciting, as it will be accessible to a wider audience through its online format. From the comodo of your home, you will be able to connect with other food enthusiasts and learn from the best in the industry. The online platform will provide a unique opportunity to interact with the speakers, ask questions, and exchange ideas, making it a truly immersive experience.

The program of the forum is as diverse as the Colombian gastronomy itself. There will be presentations and discussions about traditional Colombian dishes, such as the famous bandeja paisa or ajiaco, but also about the latest gastronomic trends and techniques. You will have the chance to learn about the use of native ingredients, sustainable cooking, and the fusion of different cuisines. There will also be a section dedicated to the business side of gastronomy, with talks about commercializzazione, branding, and entrepreneurship.

One of the most anticipated moments of the forum will be the live cooking demonstrations by renowned chefs. They will share their knowledge and secrets, and you will be able to see them in action, creating mouth-watering dishes. This year’s lineup includes chefs from Colombia, but also from other countries, such as Spain, Mexico, and Peru, adding an international touch to the event.

But the Alimentarte International Gastronomic Forum is not only about presentations and talks. It also offers a wide range of activities to engage the audience and make the forum a fun and interactive experience. You will have the chance to participate in virtual tastings, cooking classes, and food workshops, where you will learn how to prepare traditional Colombian dishes and discover new flavors. There will also be a virtual market where you can purchase products from local producers, helping to support the Colombian gastronomic industry.

The forum will also address important topics related to food, such as the impact of the pandemic on the restaurant industry and the role of gastronomy in promoting cultural diversity and sustainable development. By attending the forum, you will not only learn about food but also gain a better understanding of its social, economic, and cultural aspects.

The Alimentarte International Gastronomic Forum 2024 is a unique opportunity to explore the world of Colombian gastronomy and connect with the global food community. Whether you are a food professional, a food lover, or simply curious, this event is not to be missed. So mark your calendars and register for the online subscription because the access to this gastronomic feast is completely free. Join us and be part of this culinary journey through Colombia and beyond.

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