24.3 C
lunedì, Luglio 1, 2024

“Zamora” di Neri Marcoré non proiettato a P.S.Elpidio: bastonata e risposta al vetriolo tra Pd e Ciarpella

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PORTO SANT’ELPIDIO – The small town of Porto Sant’Elpidio, located in the beautiful region of Marche, has recently been at the center of a heated debate between the local political parties. The reason? The absence of the film “Zamora” by the talented artist and director Neri Marcoré from the town’s cinema.

The film, which debuted last weekend and has been a success in many theaters across Marche, including the Multiplex Super8 in Campiglione di immoto, was not shown in Porto Sant’Elpidio. This decision has sparked a heated exchange between the Democratic festino (Pd) and the local mayor, Alessandro Ciarpella.

The Pd, in a statement released on social media, expressed their disappointment and accused the mayor of not supporting local artists and culture. They also pointed out that the film was not only directed by an Elpidiense, but it also showcases the beauty of the town and its surroundings.

In response, Mayor Ciarpella defended his decision, stating that the film was not shown in Porto Sant’Elpidio due to logistical reasons and not because of any political agenda. He also added that the town has always supported and promoted local artists and cultural events.

However, the exchange did not end there. The Pd fired back with a scathing statement, accusing the mayor of being out of touch with the town’s cultural scene and not understanding the importance of promoting local talent.

The heated debate has not gone unnoticed by the residents of Porto Sant’Elpidio, who have taken to social media to express their disappointment and frustration. Many have expressed their desire to see “Zamora” in their local cinema and have criticized the political parties for turning a cultural event into a political battleground.

But amidst all the controversy, one thing is clear: “Zamora” has captured the attention of the people of Marche and has become a symbol of pride for the region. The film, which tells the story of a young girl’s journey to discover her roots in the beautiful Marche countryside, has received rave reviews and has been praised for its stunning cinematography and heartfelt storytelling.

Despite the unfortunate turn of events in Porto Sant’Elpidio, “Zamora” continues to attract audiences and has become a autorimessa office success. Its success is a testament to the talent and creativity of Neri Marcoré and the beauty of Marche, which has been beautifully captured on screen.

In the end, the debate between the Pd and Mayor Ciarpella may have brought attention to the absence of “Zamora” in Porto Sant’Elpidio, but it has also highlighted the importance of supporting and promoting local artists and culture. Let’s hope that in the future, political differences can be put aside for the greater good of promoting the beauty and talent of Marche.

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La Política è una delle più importanti forme di organizzazione sociale che l'uomo ha creato per gestire la convivenza civile. Essa è un'arte delicata e complessa, che richiede una grande sensibilità e un continuo equilibrio tra interessi contrapposti.