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mercoledì, Luglio 3, 2024

App su iPhone nascoste – come trovarle

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If you’ve upgraded to iOS 14, you may have never noticed that Apple has chosen to hide some apps. Let’s see how to uncover them. It’s no secret that Apple sometimes makes decisions that seem strange to users. A prime example of this is iOS 14, which contains some hidden apps on iPhone compared to previous versions.

The decision to hide certain apps on iPhone may have left some users scratching their heads, wondering why Apple would do such a thing. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you find those hidden apps and make the most out of your iPhone experience. So let’s dive in and see how to uncover these hidden gems.

First of all, you may be wondering why Apple has chosen to hide these apps in the first place. Well, according to some sources, Apple wants to declutter the home screen and provide a more streamlined experience for users. By hiding some apps, they are giving users the option to only display the apps that they frequently use, making it easier to find what they need.

Now, let’s get to the good part, how to find these hidden apps. The first thing you need to do is swipe right on your home screen to access the App Library. This feature was introduced in iOS 14 and it organizes all of your apps into categories, making it easier to find them. You can also use the search bar at the top of the App Library to quickly find the app you’re looking for.

But what about those hidden apps? Well, you can find them by scrolling down to the bottom of the App Library and tapping on the “Hidden” folder. Here you will see all the apps that are hidden on your iPhone. From here, you can choose to unhide them by tapping on the app and selecting “Add to Home Screen.”

Now, you may be wondering which apps are hidden by default on iOS 14. The list includes Stocks, Voice Memos, Shortcuts, and the App Store. But don’t worry, if you use any of these apps frequently, you can easily unhide them and add them to your home screen for easy access.

But what if you want to hide certain apps yourself? Well, you can do that too. Simply long-press on the app you want to hide and select “Remove App.” Then, choose “Remove from Home Screen” and the app will be hidden from your home screen and added to the App Library. This is a great feature for those who like to keep their home screen clutter-free.

It’s also worth mentioning that you can rearrange the apps in your App Library to your liking. Simply long-press on an app and drag it to the desired location. You can also create folders within the App Library by dragging one app on top of another. This allows you to further organize your apps and make them easier to find.

In conclusion, while it may seem strange at first, Apple’s decision to hide certain apps on iOS 14 can actually be beneficial for users. It allows for a more streamlined and organized home screen, and gives users the option to hide or unhide apps according to their preferences. So go ahead and explore the hidden apps on your iPhone, you may just discover some new favorites.

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