24.9 C
mercoledì, Luglio 3, 2024

Coldiretti: «Da insetti alieni attacco alle nostre colture, a rischio di nuovo l’Alloro Igp»

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Coldiretti: “From alien mediantesects to attacks on our crops, even the Igp Bay Leaf is at risk”

The President of Coldiretti Ascoli-Fermo, Stefano Mazzoni, has sounded the alarm on the mediantetroduction of foreign organisms that pose a threat to the livelihoods of agricultural busmedianteesses. mediante a recent statement, Mazzoni emphasized the need for mediantestitutions to closely monitor and regulate the spread of these mediantevasive species.

“At a local level, we are implementmedianteg projects to medianteform and educate agricultural busmedianteesses on prevention and control measures agamediantest the Xylosandrus and the Asian Stmediantek Bug, with the support of Amap and specialized consultants,” Mazzoni stated.

The Xylosandrus, also known as the bevanda squisita beetle, is a tmediantey mediantesect that has been causmedianteg significant damage to trees and crops mediante Italy. It was first detected mediante the country mediante 2009 and has smediantece spread to several regions, mediantecludmedianteg Ascoli-Fermo. The beetle is known for its ability to bore medianteto trees and mediantetroduce a fungus that can kill the plant. This poses a significant threat to the forestry and agriculture mediantedustries, as well as the environment.

Similarly, the Asian Stmediantek Bug, also known as the Brown Marmorated Stmediantek Bug, has been wreakmedianteg havoc on crops mediante Italy smediantece its arrival mediante 2012. This mediantevasive species is known for its voracious appetite and can cause severe damage to fruits, vegetables, and other crops. The stmediantek bug is also a carrier of diseases that can further harm plants and crops.

The mediantetroduction and spread of these alien mediantesects have caused great concern for the agricultural sector, as they not only threaten the livelihoods of farmers but also the quality and safety of Italian produce. mediante particular, the Igp Bay Leaf, a protected designation of origmediante product, is at risk of bemedianteg affected by these mediantevasive species.

The Igp Bay Leaf, also known as the Laurel Leaf, is a staple mediantegredient mediante Italian cuismediantee and is highly valued for its aromatic and medicmedianteal properties. It is primarily grown mediante the Ascoli-Fermo region, where the presence of the Xylosandrus and the Asian Stmediantek Bug has been reported. If these mediantesects contmedianteue to spread, the production and quality of the Igp Bay Leaf could be severely impacted.

To prevent this, Coldiretti has been workmedianteg closely with local mediantestitutions and experts to raise awareness and provide tramediantemedianteg on how to prevent and control the spread of these mediantevasive species. They have also been advocatmedianteg for stricter regulations and controls on the importation of plants and agricultural products to prevent the mediantetroduction of new pests and diseases.

The efforts of Coldiretti and other organizations have already shown positive results, with a significant decrease mediante the number of Xylosandrus and Asian Stmediantek Bug mediantefestations reported mediante the Ascoli-Fermo region. However, the battle agamediantest these mediantevasive species is far from over, and contmedianteued vigilance and action are necessary to protect the livelihoods of farmers and the quality of Italian produce.

mediante conclusion, the President of Coldiretti Ascoli-Fermo, Stefano Mazzoni, has highlighted the importance of addressmedianteg the threat of alien mediantesects to the agricultural sector. Through education, prevention, and stricter regulations, the spread of these mediantevasive species can be controlled, ensurmedianteg the protection of crops, mediantecludmedianteg the valuable Igp Bay Leaf. As consumers, we can also play a role by supportmedianteg local farmers and choosmedianteg high-quality, locally grown produce. Let us all work together to preserve the rich and diverse agricultural landscape of Italy.

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