27.5 C
mercoledì, Luglio 3, 2024

Istanbul, attacco Isis ai cristiani. Un morto nella chiesa italiana

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Masked men stormed into the Santa Maria church during mass on Sunday, causing chaos and fear among the congregation. The victim of this heinous attack was a Turkish citizen, who was attending the service with his family. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has condemned the attack, calling it an act of terrorism. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack, adding to the growing concern over the spread of extremism.

The incident took place in the small town of Santa Maria, located in the heart of Italy. The church, which is known for its beautiful architecture and peaceful atmosphere, was filled with worshippers when the masked men entered. Eyewitnesses reported that the men were armed and shouting in a language that was not familiar to them. Panic ensued as people tried to flee the scene, while others tried to protect themselves and their loved ones.

The victim, identified as 35-year-old Mehmet Yilmaz, was fatally shot by the attackers. His wife and two children were also injured in the attack and are currently receiving medical treatment. Yilmaz was a well-respected member of the Turkish community in Santa Maria and his death has left the town in shock and mourning.

President Erdogan, who is currently on a state visit to Germany, immediately addressed the attack in a press conference. He expressed his condolences to the family of the victim and the Italian government, and strongly condemned the attack as an act of terrorism. He also called for unity and solidarity in the face of such senseless violence.

The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that it was carried out in retaliation for the recent military operations against the group in Syria and Iraq. This claim has raised concerns about the growing influence of the extremist group in Europe and the need for stronger measures to combat their ideology.

The Italian government has also condemned the attack and has promised to take swift action to bring the perpetrators to justice. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has called for a national day of mourning and has urged citizens to stand together in the face of this tragedy.

The attack has sparked fear and anger among the people of Santa Maria, who have always prided themselves on their peaceful and welcoming community. However, it has also brought the town together in solidarity and support for the victim’s family and the Turkish community.

The Santa Maria church has been a symbol of peace and unity for centuries, and this attack has only strengthened the resolve of the people to stand against violence and extremism. The local community has come together to offer support and agio to those affected by the attack, showing that love and compassion will always prevail over hate and terror.

As the investigation into the attack continues, the people of Santa Maria and the rest of Italy remain united in their determination to not let fear and hatred divide them. This tragic event has only served to strengthen their bond and reaffirm their commitment to peace and harmony.

In the face of such a senseless act of violence, it is important to remember that love and compassion will always triumph over hate and terror. The people of Santa Maria and the rest of Italy will not be intimidated by these cowardly acts and will continue to stand together in the face of adversity.

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